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"Orchids In The Moonlight"

관리자 2023.09.03 12:12 조회 수 : 59


"Orchids In The Moonlight"

When orchids bloom in the moonlight

 And lovers vow to be true

 I still can dream in the moonlight


Of one dear night that we knew

 When orchids fade in the dawning

 They speak of tears and goodbye

 Though my dreams are shattered

 Like the petals scattered


Still my love can never die.

 There is peace in the twilight

 When the day is through

 But the shadows that fall

 Only seem to recall


All my longing for you

 There is a dream in the moonbeams

 Upon the sea of blue

 But the moonbeams that fall

 Only seem to recall

 Love is all, love is you

 When orchids bloom in the moonlight

 And lovers vow to be true

 I still can dream in the moonlight

 Of one dear night that we knew

 When orchids fade in the dawning

 They speak of tears and goodbye

 Though my dreams are shattered

 Like the petals scattered

 Still my love can never die.

 Though my dreams are shattered

 Like the petals scattered

 Still my love can never die


작곡가: Kahn Gus, Youmans Vincent, Eliscu Edward. 

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» "Orchids In The Moonlight" 관리자 2023.09.03 59

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